Contact Us
Working 9am - 5pm Mon/Friday.
We do our best to answer all questions within a timely manner, usually within 24 hours.
If you have a question please complete the form below and we'll get back toy you ASAP.
If you would like to be a DJ and host a show fill in the form and give us some information on what kind of a show and give us info where we can see or hear you – Instagram / YouYube / Website!
If you would like to have your talk show or get some Air Time let us know what your idea is or what you are looking to do and be sure to supply your social media so we can have a look as well.
We are always looking to work with all kinds of people on lots of interesting projects. We look forward to hearing from you.
ABA X Radio Marketing Team.

We write rarely, but only the best content.
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